Tuesday 23 November 2010

Bored. So did these...

Started off doing this basic piece of crap:
Muddled up the letters of my name in big black letters and put them so it was barely recognisable and then wrote my name  in white font and layered it on top of the rest. It is an ok starting point I suppose but it's too round for my liking, needs to me messed up a bit, but I like the way the white font against the white background basically creates shapes in the black and you don't have to see them as letters if you look close enough.

So the previous design ended up like this. I created a later behind the original layer and used loads of different scruffy type brushes until I found some that made it look right and balanced (in a way). Also there's a few smoother strokes in there which I thought looked quite good in a juxtaposed way.

So THEN. I did this (which I fairly love):
Did the same as I did with the bigger black letters spelling out my name, but this time I angled them so it gave the outline sharper points etc. Added white and also grey brush strokes which I think makes it look quite cool. I took ages figuring out how to put the white letters and ended up spelling out "CHARDYKATEMILLER" (my name obv) and did one so it made plenty of nice shapes in the black layers behind it, and then I copied the layer, made it bigger and flipped it upside down and just kinda layers it above/on top of it. Added another "CHARDYKATEMILLER" in black and smaller at the bottom right (golden section waheyy) because it made me think of a logo type thing and I thought it might be good for people looking at it to see what it actually says because it's not as clear as the first one I did.

Then I kept looking at it and thought it needed something extra to frame it:

So I used a couple of different black brush strokes and yeh, there it is.

I'll give you 10p if you can guess who my influence for these is ;)

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