Thursday 2 December 2010

Breaking Typography Rules

We got 10 rules of typography and we had to break them. I loved this as I always want to break the rules, so I immediately wanted to jump the gun and make a poster breaking every single rule, then I thought I should take the time to break a few at a time, because by breaking them you learn to understand them, and I found out some really good ways to break the rules that make them look better than when you abide by them, which is just plain boring.

So my A3 poster, using song lyrics. I used All Signs Point To Lauderdale by A Day To Remember 'cos i've been listening to it none stop since I got their new album. This poster shows me breaking the rules of: putting the header large and at the top of the page, never using all capitals in the main body of text, never use over 8pt or 10pt for main body text and subtly applying stress onto certain words. So, obviously to break these rules, I placed the header at an angle near the bottom of the page, made all the main body of text in capitals, made the font size of the main body text over 10pt, and put a ridiculous and completely unsubtle amount of stress on the necessary parts:

I looked at this and because I'm a perfectionist I wanted every part to be where it looked best, so I needed to make a couple of changed to this. I wasn't sure that I liked the way the last two letters of the "THAT" and "FIT" don't quite fit into the "2," even though there is some irony there which I quite like. I changed the size of this opening verse/chorus so that it didn't overlap the 2.

I also thought the kerning needed to be changed so when I edited it I changed it to -75 and I think it looks way better. The letters in the inside of the top of the 2 was annoying me because I wanted it to look like it was layered onto the other side of the numbers, and taking this into account meant there should not be letters on left side of the letters, so I changed this too; I also brought the main body text down to the bottom of the 2 as I think it looked like it flowed more instead of being cut off like on the one immediately above.

To me it kind of looks like the top right part has been teared off and the rest is on a page in front of it. I love the boldness of the numbers and I put stress on these parts because at the end of the opening on the verse in the song it counts to 4 and I made the numbers get bigger because the singer shouts each number louder.

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