Thursday 10 March 2011


These are 2 of 6 20x20 inch squares I did for a brief in composition, taking five elements (line, picture, block of colour, number/letter and text) and making one of them more prominent than the others and in one square making them all equal. I liked this brief because I like composition, these 2 are obviously making the text and picture stand out.


This is a shite photo but this was part of the 3D typography brief. I photocopied black ink on acetate and then scratched around the word "obfuscate" so it would kind of illustrate the meaning of the work (means you can't read/see it very well, to render unclear) and it didn't really become a piece of work until I put both parts on top of each other, because I'd just had them side by side but it looked shit, but I think it works really well as a piece like this, and illustrates the meaning even more.

Kraken Egg

 Right so this started off as just a lino print in exploratory stage and then one day I found it and my tutor was like ooh that looks like a book so I made it into a kinda Penguin book cover for The Kraken Wakes cos it's like a larl egg on it's own and you dunno what it could turn into and it'll end up being a massive kraken. Although it was meant to be a penguin egg when I did it. But anyway, I love the way the yellow print is at a slightly off angle to the blue so I decided to incorporate this into my title but not a lot of people got this and were like eh why you doing the writing at a weird angle but actually the yellow text is over the blue text at the same angle the yellow print is over the blue print. Also when I scanned the print in it scanned the kind of crinkly paper in too but I decided to keep this because it kind of represents a book that's been read a lot. If that makes sense.

Typography Rule Break

Pure love this one 'cos I wasn't really paying attention to what I was doing. I had a few lines of lyrics typed out and put both the kerning and leading to to least possible and it looked fairly cool, so I reduced the transparency and copied the layer and placed it's copy just off it. So I suppose this one breaks the legible rule, the kerning and leading rule and probably a few more.

 This one went through a few phases because it didn't really feel right:

At first I have the "You make me wanna die" on the side on different lines but I didn't really like it, although it was breaking the heading rule. I liked the lyrics from the verses on the left hand side where i'd set the leading to the lowest possible and therefore breaking the leading/kerning rule, and as you can see I kept increasing the amount of words so it came further down the page, and eventually right the way down. The lyrics in the middle are the kind of bridge into the chorus so I put them on the golden section. Eventually I made the "You make me wanna die" all on one line right to the sides of the page because I really liked the zig-zag shapes that the letters made. 


I wanted to reverse the black and white theme I had going so that the white letters were almost cut out the black background instead of being black letters on white. To give this effect I bulged out the Frankly, and mis-aligned the "N" to break the baseline rule, and also cut it all off the page just because I liked the way it looked. I lined the Mr. Shankly up with the end of the N and K because I'm obsessive and started to add more lyrics to break the line length rule. I felt there was too much space at the bottom so moved the lyrics to the bottom to include the black space in the poster, and then tried to kind of illustrate the meanings of a couple of the words for example decreased the kerning on "corrode" and moved "down" down a line. 

Doubt 2

Re-did the Doubt Love piece because it wasn't in line and it was pissing me of so I laid it out with just the letters so everything was lined up etc and then added the paint strokes. 
I like this one because it's kind of ambiguous depending on how much you you read of it, as at first glance it looks like it's saying "Doubt Love" but in fact it's saying the opposite but you have to read the rest of the text to figure that out.