Thursday 10 March 2011

Typography Rule Break

Pure love this one 'cos I wasn't really paying attention to what I was doing. I had a few lines of lyrics typed out and put both the kerning and leading to to least possible and it looked fairly cool, so I reduced the transparency and copied the layer and placed it's copy just off it. So I suppose this one breaks the legible rule, the kerning and leading rule and probably a few more.

 This one went through a few phases because it didn't really feel right:

At first I have the "You make me wanna die" on the side on different lines but I didn't really like it, although it was breaking the heading rule. I liked the lyrics from the verses on the left hand side where i'd set the leading to the lowest possible and therefore breaking the leading/kerning rule, and as you can see I kept increasing the amount of words so it came further down the page, and eventually right the way down. The lyrics in the middle are the kind of bridge into the chorus so I put them on the golden section. Eventually I made the "You make me wanna die" all on one line right to the sides of the page because I really liked the zig-zag shapes that the letters made. 


I wanted to reverse the black and white theme I had going so that the white letters were almost cut out the black background instead of being black letters on white. To give this effect I bulged out the Frankly, and mis-aligned the "N" to break the baseline rule, and also cut it all off the page just because I liked the way it looked. I lined the Mr. Shankly up with the end of the N and K because I'm obsessive and started to add more lyrics to break the line length rule. I felt there was too much space at the bottom so moved the lyrics to the bottom to include the black space in the poster, and then tried to kind of illustrate the meanings of a couple of the words for example decreased the kerning on "corrode" and moved "down" down a line. 

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